Stillness One on One
Release, Comprehend, Align
Our practice reaches deep. Much of what we encounter is too intimate and personal to be discussed in a public or group sphere. Much of it is difficult to comprehend and interpret at first, too.
In one on one practice we can dedicate ourselves to all aspects of stillness practice. In an individual program, we can tailor a personal path towards letting go. We help to verbally express its results and interpret them.
Using the full spectrum of our practice we can approach a state of inner clarity from a "hard", masculine perspective or a softer, still one. One emphasizes liberating aggresion, engendered perhaps in a one on one fight session. The other creates a relationship in stillness, which opens up new points of reference and guides us towards them.
The intimacy created on both paths helps to comprehend and interpret new insights revealed by letting go.
Specialty areas of one to one practice are resets and transformations in professional life. Finding meaning during the natural proess of aging as well as general strategic redirects in life.
Stillness one on one can take sthe shape of short coaching programs or of long term collaboration for life development. Both can be combined with group exercises. They can also stand altogether on their own.
One on One work is by nature individual. We discuss the concrete design of a program in an introductory meeting. I will be happy to schedule such a meeting and am looking forward to hearing from you.

Stillness One on One follows a schedule individually agreed with the client. Mostly we meet in Zentrum für Yoga und Stimme or Somatische Akademie. When the weather and the practice topic allow it, we might also go to Hasenheide or other nice outdoor venues.
Inquiries for appointments or further information are best made by phone under 0174 3790176 or by Email. For Business oriented Coaching please consult I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Malte Loos