What we do
Training and Activities
Training and teaching have been intense for us since our group was founded. From that intensity sprang many original training ideas and intiatives. For example, we inaugurate every training year with an outdoor training at 6 am on the coldest weekend of the year. (We always try to hit the one weekend when the Landwehrkanal freezes over - no luck so far!)
We conclude the practice year with special trainings, during a day in the woods, early mornings on airport runways or entire days on a lake and a sailing boat.
In these special trainings everybody comes together, regardless whether they emphasize stillness or Karate Training. Stillness and dynamics mix in the exercise so that everyone can join in and participate.
In between there are many workshops and seminars, during which we can work in depth and without interruption. There are short one day sessions of meditative practice, which seem to fly by in a moment's time. Extended Karate weekends give us the chance to practice a Kata for ten hours - per day. During those seminars in Stolzenhagen we also float through the morning mists that cover the river meadows and seemingly walk along the milky way at night.
Even longer are our stillness retreats. For five days we stand, sit and move gently under the trees of the forest in Weisswasser, soaking up the energies of the Altvater mountains.
Our array of offerings is broad. From its choices of regular classes and high intensity events everyone can construct a personally suitable practice program. We hope to see you there, soon...

Clivia Conrad Trade Union Official at VERDI
Practices Karate and, occasionally Stillness since 2005.
Clivia tells us about her experience with our intense Karate seminars (In German)