Intense Karate Training takes place in the rear building of not far from Hermannplatz. There we practice in Abada Schule für Capoeira on the 4th floor. The room is bright and clear, large and friendly wirh varnished wooden floor. It is equipped with showers and changing rooms and is tastefully decorated.
Practice Times and Venues
In the Zentrum für Yoga und Stimme, on the 4th floor space for Karate practice, stillness practice and individual coaching sessions. The room is flooded with sunlight in the mornings and evenings. In summer and fall, trees rustle right outside the windows. At night, the moon and the stars shine brightly. Despite its elevation the room feels very closely connected to the groundand despite its size, the room's atmosphere is warm and cozy. Access is through the courtyard entrance. Please ring the bell there.
When the weather permits it, we like to practice outside. In all our practice, finding one's place in our environment is supremely important. A beautiful oak field gives us a friendly welcome in the early mornings and in the evenings. The ancient trees there protect and shelter us, so that we can totally loose ourselves in our practice. The oak trees are marked red

of Paul Lincke Ufer 30, 10999 Berlin we find
Regular Group
Qi and Karate, A closer Look
Tuesdays 8:15 pm - 9:45 pm
(Bechstein Fabrik)
Kunst des Wie
Wednesdays 8:15 - 9:45 pm
(Zentrum für Yoga und Stimme, 4th OG)
Qi and Karate - intense
Saturdays 10:45 am - 12:45 pm
(Capoeira Schule Abada)
Stillness Practice
Saturdays 8:30 - 10 am
Hasenheide, Oak Field
Or by appointment in Winter.

in this Map of Hasenheide .

We practice traditional Karate in a venue loaded with tradition, in the Bechstein Piano Fabrik at Ohlauer Strasse 5, Aufgang D. Here, we have all we need for intense Training. Space, Makiwaras, and room for noise. The Shin Gi Tai Studio is on the elevatted ground floor in the corner towards Wiener Straße. The closest entrance is from Ohlauer Straße.
Karate Studio Shin Gi Tai in Bechsteinfabrik
Urbanstrasse 93, 10967 Berlin,
Karate Training and Stillness Practice