Inner Stillness Home                          Systemic Psychotherapy     

Human nature is pretty robust. We can deal with almost all emotional difficulties on our own, be it consciously or unconsciously. Also, most of the time, we find all the support we need in our close environment. Partners and friends are often the best guides to the solutions we need.

Sometimes, though, dealing with our problems or experiences needs more than what we can ask from a friend. We may be stuck on the inside and become prisoners of negative thoughts and emotions. We may feel powerless to escape or change them. They may weigh on us or cause pain or numbness.

In such circumstances, it may make sense to look for outside help. A kind of help that makes different thoughts and feelings accessible to us again. Help to build bridges for our unconscious being to travel to a different place. Help that moves us without hurt, changes our experience and provides freedom in our dealings with the world.

In individual therapy I work to offer you the help you need.


Systemic Psychotherapy

Being well in yourself.



Malte Loos

Malte Loos

Psychological healing consists of a movement in our unconscious from painful inner patterns to less burdensome ones. The core mission of our therapy is to facilitate such a movement.

To succeed in psychotherapy, client and therapist need to work together as partners. To this partnership I contribute the emotional skills developed during years of practice in martial arts, meditation and systemic therapy. Together, we find a suitable solution for you.

I have complemented my buddhist education as a Karate teacher by training as a systemic therapist at the Syst Institute in Munich. I am Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy. Earlier in my life I used to be an economist, with a penchant for theory and finance.


Working together towards a solution for you.

Change your life effectively through hypnosystemics,

solution focus and mindfulness therapy.

For a preliminary interview, free of charge, make a reservation or

call me directly at  +49 174 3790176  


Topics, Questions and Answers
